Finally some good news! but also more questions....

Lets just start by saying that it has been 3 and a half months since I last went to the fertility clinic, and honestly I think it was the best decision I have ever made in the year and a half since starting this journey. These last few months have been extremely eye opening for me. When I first decided to stop going for weekly check ups I knew that the future was uncertain. I had no idea what was going to happen, if my body would miraculously go back to normal (ya right!) or if I would just resign myself to the fact that maybe having kids just isnt what is supposed to happen right now.

The one good thing that came from the fertility clinic was figuring out WHY my body was being a bitch. And because I found out that I don't ovulate every month, which is actually called anovulation. Apparently this is quite common but still didn't solve my actual issues. So I did some research on some natural remedies that might help my body go back to normal and found a few herbs that might help. So I decided to try Maca, Vitex and Tribulous. These 3 help in the stabilization of hormones and help promote ovulation. So I thought I would try them out because really, there was no actual harm involved. What I also did was started taking B12 because I remember by doctor telling me that I wasn't getting enough. And also, did you know that a B12 deficiency is a very common reason for fertility issues? Apparently it is quite common yet it is the last thing fertility clinics will look at, so I thought I would take that along with the other herbs.

As of this week I have very promising news, and I will warn that the info going forward is quite specific and honestly if you are not a girl you probably wont get it or think its gross. So you have been warned.

It has been 2 months since I started taking the herbs every morning, and last week I have finally started my period. This is the best news I have had in a very long time. I wanted to tell everyone how  happy I was but then realized that no one cared and probably would think im insane. But I was just so happy. But little did I know that it would be like this. I don't know if its because its been so long since i've had a natural period, or if it is the combination of the herbs, but seriously, aunt flow has been relentless. I have never in my 27 years had an experience like the one I am having this week. Don't get me wrong I am super happy that things are finally looking up, but holy shit this period is unreal. Its extremely heavy and I am always tired and feeling weak.

I keep wondering if this is just something that will happen only this one time because its been so long, or if this is something that I can look forward to everything month. Does anyone know? I would love to know!

BUT the good news is I am a lot closer to having a normal cycle then I was 3 months ago, without the stress that comes along with prescriptions and doctors. So I am very happy and hopefully the good news continues!!


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