A different perspective

Hi everyone.  My name is Cameron and I am Siobhan’s Husband.  As many of you know Siobhan and I have been through a lot over the last year, with trying to have a baby.  The process of the clinics was a new experience for both of us and has taught us a lot along the way.  When we first decided to try and have a baby we were both very excited and never had dreamt that it would be this hard.  After trying for a few months with no avail Siobhan’s doctor had recommended us to see a fertility clinic.  At first I did not think it was necessary as I have always been a believer that if it wasn’t meant to be it was meant to be and that it would happen eventually.  After visiting the clinic for the first time and seeing the number of other families trying to have a baby I was absolutely blown away by the number of people that are having the same issues as us! After seeing the first waiting room full of people I could not believe how common these issues are and I could not be more proud of Siobhan to write this blog to share our story with other people and to let other know that they are not alone in the process.

After our first appointment with the head of the clinic and setting up all of our first appointments and getting all of Siobhan’s prescriptions, I have to say I was a little nervous about what the results would be.  We went through the first round of testing and visited the clinic almost every other day to no avail.  The doctors were very encouraging and even after the first round both Siobhan and I had high hope that it would eventually happen.  Skip to 4 months later and there was still nothing. 

Siobhan does talk very openly about how much she hates going to these appointments.  I hate going to these appointments as well but not because I have to get blood work done, or because I have to get ultrasounds, or having to wait in a crowded room to see the doctor.  I hate these appointments because it seems day after day I have to watch the women that I love get emotionaly crushed and it kills me inside.  I stay strong for her and I will always be at her side no matter the result.  I try my best to put a positive light on the situation but there are some mornings after the appointments where I have nothing to say to her which will make her any less upset. 

This process has taught me a lot about how strong of a women Siobhan is and I know with time there will be a positive result and she will be the best mother a child…or 5 ( with our luck ) can have. 

Till next time



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