A Second...or Third Opinion

Since I stopped going to the fertility clinic I have had some very drastic ups and downs when it comes to my fertility. I started taking the herbal supplements and for a time that worked. But then it stopped working, to the point where I knew I had to do something different. And the thought of the going back to the clinic made me so stressed, so I talked it over with my husband and we decided that if things didn't change we would go back to the clinic in the summer.

Well the closer the summer came, the more I dreaded going back. I didn't want to have 5 to 8 ultrasounds a month, I didn't want to be forced to ovulate. I wanted someone, anyone to tell me exactly what was wrong and how to fix it. I didn't want a temporary fix, I wanted something that would get my body back to the way it was before I started birth control.

So I started asking around and it was actually my mom that suggested I go see her diabetic doctor. At first I was confused because I don't have diabetes so why would I go see him, but when I looked more into his practice I realized that he is first and foremost an Endocrinologist. Something I never thought to look into. The more I thought about going to see someone whose specialty was to fix this problem, I knew I needed to make the call. And boy was I glad I did.

Today was my consultation and to be honest I was extremely nervous going in. What is he told me that what I have isn't treatable, what if he tells me I have a very low chance of getting pregnant, what if he can't fix my issue. But after speaking with him for half an hour he knew exactly what was wrong. He explained to me that I do have PCOS, that is a very big part of the problem. I have many cysts on my ovaries that are caused by my lack of ovulation every month. That combined with my weight and the fact that I have some insulin resistance and hormonal issues,  my body has stopped functioning properly. In any other situation this would have been devastating for me. All these things are halting my fertility and that has always scared me, but what I loved about this doctor was that he sat in front of me, smiled and told me he knew how to fix it. And more importantly he was confident that it was going to work. The confidence he had made a weight lift off my shoulders I didn't know I was carrying.

At this point I am so relieved that what I have is fixable. He is putting me on Metformin, something I have researched in the past and always thought would help, but was never given. But now that he has actually prescribed it and is confident it will not only fix my ovulation problem, but get me pregnant, I am so happy.

Getting a second, or third opinion in this case is something I never thought of, but I am so glad I did. It was the best thing I did and I haven't been this confident since starting the clinic over a year ago. We are well over two years of trying and for the first time I see a light at the end of the tunnel.

'Til next time!



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