Hormones are the Devil

I hate hormones. They invade your life and screw with it just for the hell of it. I'm usually really good around the time when they start to creep up on me, at least I think i'm pretty good. Maybe we should ask my husband because I feel like he would have a very different answer ;) Today I found myself extremely emotional and I honestly wasn't expecting it. I seem to go from happy to extremely frustrated in the blink of an eye and to be honest, it's exhausting. Like for example, today I was looking up apartments to rent for Cam and I, and I found some that looked very promising; specious and enough bedrooms to house the little one we hope will come soon. I was so excited that I found something that not only fit our budget but actually looked nice as well. But then I called to see when we could come and see the apartment. Now here lies the problem: Cam works on weekends. I have a regular "9-5" job but Cam is in car sales, so he works odd hours and that includ...