Does Thinking Positively Really Make a Difference?
So I was reading an article last night about the dreaded two week wait when going through fertility treatments. This is the point in the process where you have ovulated and are just waiting to see if you are in fact pregnant. I hate this time period. I went through it right after Christmas when I was positive I was pregnant (but in fact I wasn't) and it is the longest 14 days ever. For someone who has zero patience most of the time, these 14 days seem like they go on forever.
The article went on about what you should do to help your body along; eating healthy, exercising and trying not to stress yourself out too much. All of these things I am doing on a daily basis anyway, but what it also said was have a positive attitude. They said to imagine yourself pregnant during these 2 weeks and it will somehow help. I am a little skeptical of this, for many reasons. But the main reason why I don't like this idea is the letdown. If I do in fact tell myself I'm pregnant and then find out that I'm not (which is what happened a few months ago) then the letdown from that would be harder than going into the situation with a realistic approach. Granted, for me its only day 2 of 14 so I have a ways to go, and although I would love to say that I think I'm pregnant, I know that's unrealistic. And I really don't want to spend the next 12 days thinking one thing, only to be told another.
So I guess for me, that article is a load of crap. You should be eating healthy and exercise anyway, no matter if you are trying get pregnant or not. You should always try and reduce stress in your life because really, who needs it? And although I will always try to have a positive attitude, there are days when you doubt not only yourself but the process. I think that is the one thing that no one really tells you about, the doubt that goes along with the process of fertility treatments. It wasn't something I was prepared to face, and yet here I am looking it straight on. And it is freaking scary.
So the next 12 days are going to be some of the longest, but in the end it will all be worth it. At least I hope so!
Until next time :)

So I guess for me, that article is a load of crap. You should be eating healthy and exercise anyway, no matter if you are trying get pregnant or not. You should always try and reduce stress in your life because really, who needs it? And although I will always try to have a positive attitude, there are days when you doubt not only yourself but the process. I think that is the one thing that no one really tells you about, the doubt that goes along with the process of fertility treatments. It wasn't something I was prepared to face, and yet here I am looking it straight on. And it is freaking scary.
So the next 12 days are going to be some of the longest, but in the end it will all be worth it. At least I hope so!
Until next time :)
Couldn't agree more!